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The surge of demand for Software Developers in 2024

2024 is proving to be the year for demand in software and an amazing opportunity for both software professionals and people looking to enter the industry.

So let’s explore not just the challenges but also the boundless possibilities that await those who dare to innovate and excel as a Software Developer…

Amidst the burgeoning landscape of digital innovation there is a profound challenge for companies – the scarcity of skilled individuals. Despite the clamour for software development prowess, the pool of qualified candidates remains shallow. Yet within this challenge lies a call to action, a clarion call for talent to bridge the gap between demand and supply. It beckons to cultivate the new generation of talent and nurture and empower them as the architects of the digital future.

Developers must not merely adapt to thrive amidst the tempest of innovation but they need to embrace each new framework, each tool, and language, not as obstacles, but as stepping stones towards mastery.

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September 17
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How your ideas will grow your bottom line

In this exclusive CBE Group taster Masterclass by Pete Burrows, you will learn how you can adapt the way that you think so that you can turn your ideas into cash and deliver new products, services or solutions that your customers will actually buy.

In today’s competitive and fast moving business landscape the ability for individuals and teams in to innovate and develop new ideas that are needed is now critical for your business’s future success.

This taster webinar has been created specifically by Pete to inspire business owners who want to enhance their creative thinking and problem-solving abilities and develop ideas that lead to revenue growth.

In this session Pete will explore what an idea actually is, how to become truly inspired, why creating better ideas helps you and your business, how to think of ideas that will solve your customers problems and challenges and explore why even brands like Google fail with their ideas and get it wrong and a whole lot more!

So register today for this one off taster webinar with Pete to learn how to turn your Ideas into cash for your business!

Thinq Group

THINQ is a uniquely innovative assembly of niche creative brands, initiatives, associations, individuals and collaborations founded on the principles of foresight based insight, ideation, innovation, creativity and problem-solving with the primary vision of thinqing up sustainable new ideas to ensure the future survivability of the planet and it’s inhabitants.

THINQ brands collectively provide a revolutionary joined up approach to sustainable challenge and problem-solving with unique consultancy, agency, coaching, advice and other creative support services based on ‘human-centric innovation and strategic creative thinking and ideation’.

THINQ is the birth of the new renaissance of creativity, problem-solving, idea generation and creative education with the sole focus on supporting the future survivability of humanity and the Earth’s environmental, economic and social eco-systems by inventing disruptive new solutions to challenges, problems and issues that specifically fall within the three pillars of sustainability.

Your Speaker Pete Burrows

Pete Burrows is a Strategic Creative & Design Consultant, Coach and Adviser with over 30 years’ multi-disciplinary board level and senior creative sector experience who
specialises in solving challenges using innovative ideation and unique design thinking methods.

He is the Creator of Thinq Group, which is a uniquely innovative assembly of niche creative brands, initiatives and collaborations founded on the three pillars of sustainability which together help businesses solve challenges by empowering them to create sustainable, profitable new ideas, products, services and solutions that
build revenue.

Pete Burrows



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September 17
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We like to give everyone the chance to hear your voice. We do encourage you to read our read our frequently asked questions and our values before completing this form.

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Amidst the flurry of deadlines and the cacophony of demands, Developers forget the sanctity of balance. They need to embrace the balance of mental, physical health and the gaining of knowledge.

Knowledge is power and the beacon that illuminates the path to mastery. In the ever-evolving realm of software Developers mustn’t be complacent and they need to seize every opportunity for growth, embracing seminars, courses and acquiring certifications as stepping stones towards their career mastery.

Collaborating and cultivating strong bonds of teamwork and communication transcends the barriers of distance and also leads to creating better code, so Developers need to embrace collaboration.

Developers who specialise and hone their skills in focussing on key areas like cybersecurity, data science and artificial intelligence will be in very high demand. So embracing the challenge of specialisation lies the unique opportunity to shape the very future of technology itself.

#Software #Development

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